The Benefits Of Outsourcing Your Print Ad Design Services

Did you know that there are many significant benefits to outsourcing your print ad design services to a team of talented graphic designers? Were you aware that print advertising is still quite relevant and a totally viable option to attract customers to your business? Are you ready to reach out to your target audience, create a lasting impression on them and push your branding forward? 

Let’s find out why print advertising is still an effective way to reach your potential customers, and what exactly you stand to gain from outsourcing the ad design of your print advertisements.  

What Is Print Advertising And Why Is It Still Relevant?

Print advertising is one of the oldest forms of advertising around the world, and uses print media to convey the message the advertiser has designed among a broad audience of readers that contains potential customers. Newspapers, journals, and magazines are the most widely used types of print media. There are also flyers, brochures, inserts that are included inside magazines, and even direct mail which can deliver print ads directly to the home of your customers. To learn more about types of ad design, read The Types Of Advertising Design To Drive Sales

While many in this digital age don’t even think about print advertising, many publications have loyal reader bases, especially among the older generations. The full-page ad still has the power to engage your target market and convert the reader to a customer if designed with care. Here are a few reasons why a traditional print advertisement is still a great tool for marketers.

List of reasons why print ads are still relevant  | SUJO TWENTY-TWO
List of reasons why print ads are still relevant

While digital marketing is the future, there are still people that don’t use the internet or social media. Print advertising can reach this type of customer and allow you to promote your products or services to them. If you’re targeting multiple generations with your advertising, print ads are the way to go with the ability to reach both baby boomers and millennials. 

They are also seen as less intrusive since a reader can choose to check them out on their own time, unlike online pop-up ads which can be very disruptive to a user’s experience. They are also more tangible than banner ads you might see on a website. 

If you’re a local business that primarily serves customers in your area, then print advertising is a great way to build brand awareness. If you’re a small to medium-sized or family-owned business, print advertising is much more affordable than a radio or television advertisement. 

You have complete control over the content of your advertising. When you hire professional designers to work on your ad design, you get to choose what sort of information is included, and how the layout, images, and graphics are used to present this information to your audience. 

You also get to choose where your advertising appears. If you know your ideal customers are reading a certain publication, you can target its readership for an effective advertising campaign. If you’re a luxury boutique hotel for example, then magazine ads on a travel-related publication might create the interest you need to bring in more guests. 

The loyal readers of a publication trust the content that appears in it. Therefore your print ads will get the credibility they need from the magazine, newspaper, or journal it appears in. Your products or services will be seen as trustworthy and since your company logo will also appear alongside them, it’ll be good for your branding as well. It also helps that print ads have a long shelf life since people sometimes don’t immediately throw away their favorite publication like a magazine and end up reading it multiple times. 

The Benefits Of Outsourcing Your Print Ads

To get the best print ads, it’s best to hire somebody who has experience in the field of newspaper and magazine ad design. Designing print ads should be best left to the professionals, and here are the benefits you get out of it.    

List of benefits of outsourcing your ad design| SUJO TWENTY-TWO
List of benefits of outsourcing your ad design

Experts Know Which Types Of Print Ads Will Work For Your Brand

A professional ad design services provider will be able to look at your business and come up with design concepts that will be on-brand and engaging to your specific audience. If you’re unsure which type of print advertising is most effective or having trouble identifying the specific publication you should be using, they will be able to help you there as well. If they have expertise in providing ad design services for other clients, they’ll know where your print ads should appear for maximum impact on your target audience. 

Knowledge Of Print Ad Layouts And Printing

Specifications for page dimensions used in print ads | SUJO TWENTY-TWO
Specifications for page dimensions used in print ads

There are a few common design elements that go into every advertisement. First, there is the headline which has to grab the attention of the reader and create interest to read the rest of the ad. Next is the body which has the task of making your product or service offering and persuading them. There will be images and artwork that can complement your value offering. Your logo will be there for branding and to convey the level of quality the reader can expect. And finally, the call-to-action (CTA) can direct the reader to the next step.     

Your ad design services provider will understand how to be creative with the layout of these elements, how each one will complement the other, and how the chosen page dimensions will affect them. They will also have a firm grasp of what the final printed ad will look like when it’s held in your hand, and will be able to recommend you the type of material that will work best for your content. 

Graphic Design Expertise

Graphic Designer at work | SUJO TWENTY-TWO
Graphic Designer at work

Graphic design is a crucial part of ad design. Graphic design is a specialized skill that goes far beyond using simple applications like Microsoft Paint or web services like Canva. A talented graphic designer will have an understanding of how to utilize colors, spacing typography, shapes, textures, and many other elements. They also have great skills in manipulating images and artwork. 

Graphic design expertise includes the technical know-how of using professional-level software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, but also the creative flair to come up with real works of art. Unless you already have these talents in-house, it’s best to outsource your ad design to a graphic design agency that knows what it’s doing. 

Access To An Artwork And Image Archive

A professional ad design service will maintain an archive of creative assets they can utilize. Everything they create for their clients will be stored here for reuse later. From the unlimited revisions you requested for your logo, to the artwork you got made for a poster or the product images you needed for an ad, all of this will be organized and ready to pull out at a moment’s notice for use in another project. 

This is helpful to present a consistent brand image across your ad design efforts, other digital marketing campaigns, and even your website. If your ad design service does its job, you don’t have to worry about maintaining such an archive. 

Ad design is much more effective if images are used. This is especially true if you’re advertising a physical product that needs to be shown to your audience. As a result, photography is a service that is often required alongside ad design. Many ad design service providers will have skilled photographers on their team, and choosing such an agency will simplify things for your next advertising project.  

Saves Time And Money

By outsourcing ad design to a team with experience, you don’t have to worry about investing in software, hiring graphic designers, or maintaining an archive of artwork by yourself. The photography services you require may even be included in your ad design package. All of this saves a lot of hassle on your end, and you will be able to receive quality ad design at a fraction of the cost you would spend had you attempted this on your own.  

Looking For Print Ad Design Services?

Print Ad Design Services | SUJO TWENTY-TWO

If you’re looking for a creative team that has experience in not just print advertising but also ad design for social media, online banner ads, and outdoor ads, then SUJO Twenty-Two is the design partner you’ve been looking for. We can handle all aspects of the ad design from copywriting to the art direction you’re looking for. To learn more, check out all the SUJO Twenty-Two ad design services we’re offering today!


 Are Print Ads Still Relevant?

Yes. The traditional print advertising that has been around for so many years has the potential to reach multiple generations of audiences from baby boomers to millennials. 

What Are The Advantages Of Print Advertising?

Print advertising is considered to be less intrusive than online ads, is tangible, and has a longer shelf life since readers will usually hold on to them for longer. They are also highly targetable, allowing advertisers to choose where the ads are displayed, and get a boost of credibility from the newspaper or magazine that publishes it.